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Brittany recently played Moaning Myrtle
(and a host of other characters) in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child on Broadway.

Brittany has been with Harry Potter since 2019. She played Myrtle and Delphi in San Francisco, and understudied Delphi on Broadway.
Fun Fact: there are 19 different GIF stickers of her Harry Potter characters on instagram.
(Search Polly Chapman or Moaning Myrtle)
See if you can catch her!

"Isn't everyone
so naughty?"
"Brittany Zeinstra is hilarious as
Moaning Myrtle!"
"The campy moments are also a delight, particularly a sparkling comic interlude with a ghost named Moaning Myrtle."
"Brittany Zeinstra is hilariously loopy as
Moaning Myrtle."
"And it won't give anything away to add that Brittany Zeinstra was fantastic."
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